Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Some videos to discuss

From past to present to future:

    Things change over time


1. People change...?

Viral award: Noah takes a photo of himself every day for 6 years

Is this one better? Living My Life Faster - 8 years of JK's Daily Photo Project

Persistence and Technical awards: Time of my Life

Artistic award: Me (Full version)

        Not me

Artistic runner-up: She takes a photo every day: 300 

Junior division award: Amanda takes a photo of herself every day for 3 years

Lifetime achievement award: 41 Years in 60 Seconds (1966 - 2007) 

Tooth fairy award: Watch My Teeth Grow! 


2. Buildings change...

Treehouse Time-Lapse 

Cooper Union Academic Building Time Lapse Construction  

      after beginning, skip until 2:35, and about 3:30-4:30 or more

Skyscraper Construction - Shinjuku Skyscrapers Time-lapse 

      (35 years, 1969-2004)


3. Weather and Climate

INCREDIBLE GUST FRONT! May 27th 2001 Oklahoma gust front timelapse 

Thunderstorm Time Lapse 

Mont Blanc Glacier Time Lapse

Underneath a glacier time lapse

Arctic Sea Ice timelapse from 1978 to 2009  

       NOTE: Keep an eye on maximum and minimum coverages

4. From dust to dust

Pig Head/Squirrel Attack! Time Lapse Forensic Decomposition Study 720p HD 

Unbelieveable!! Whole gecko rapidly eaten by ants!

Time-lapse movie of a dead Harbour porpoise  

      (Under water)

Rabbit decomposition time-lapse (higher resolution) 

       Silly wabbit


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